Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Getting Ready for High School!

I am still cleaning out our classroom- well I just got back from California (you can read about it in my travel blog) so I haven't been doing this all summer!  I was thinking how excited and maybe nervous you must be about going to high school!  I kind of feel like that about retiring and thinking what I am going to do next!
I am still planning on volunteering at Trudeau so hopefully, I will get to see you!  I really wish for you a really good beginning to your new year!

Friday, July 19, 2013

The very last day with Division One in 2013

And finally we came to the last day as grade seven students for Division One and the last day as a teacher for Ms. Kezar.   It began with the final assembly.

There were lots of certificates and acknowledgements of all the final term sports teams and all the other participants in extracurricular activities.

I don't think there is any elementary school in Vancouver where so many kids are involved in so many activities!  I hope you all get as involved when you get into secondary school!

Our next event was Ms. Kezar's book give away!  I wonder how many of you have finished your books this summer.  I certainly hope you are making use of the public library!

After lunch we went off to George Park for the annual watermelon picnic with our grade one reading buddies.  That was lots of fun especially when parents brought extra treats!

We have had so much fun with the buddies this year!

It was a nice way to celebrate the end of school

We ended the presentation of fun certificates and report cards and a fun year came to an end!

Playland Wednesday

Everyone had a great day at Playland.  Here are a few pictures although sometimes it was hard to find everyone there were so many things to do!

Sometimes people were flying through the air!
Sometimes it was hard to catch the picture at the right moment!

A great deal of time seemed to be spent waiting in line!
Then there was time spent eating!

And then some people had some interesting purchases and prizes!

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Here are a few pictures from our trip downtown with lunch at the Spaghetti Warehouse!

First we took the Main Street bus and the Canada Line to the Waterfront station
Some people caught up on their reading! 

Here are all the grade sevens at the Olympic Flame!

Here's the Orca that looks as if it is made from lego-no climbing please!

Eventually we made it to the Spaghetti Warehouse for lunch!

I think everyone enjoyed themselves!
With a big of free time in Gastown some people made interesting purchases!

And here's a shot of everyone with Gassy Jack-what a happy looking group!

Stay tuned for Wednesday's fun at Playland!

Monday, June 24, 2013


Well the big day finally came!  And despite more than a few glitches with the slide show we made it through!  The next couple of days should be fun as well!

                                                                   Well here are the ladies

And then there were the gentlemen

And then there was everyone in our rather messy classroom!
And then there were our friends in Division Two although a couple of ladies were late and we missed them in the picture!

I know everyone is excited for tomorrow's trip downtown despite the expected rain!  Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Getting to give our money away!

Monday was also exciting not just for Reading on the Roof but because we were able to have a visit from our friend, Luella, and her brother, Robert, the founder of Compassionate Eye Foundation  and from Sharon, Vancouver's coordinator of Room to Read.  We were able to give them our cheques from our fundraising!  Here is the video with Luella and Robert and Doris and Jamee and here is the video of Sharon thanking you.
Tuesday we got to use the delicious strawberries Luella brought to do observations in science, practice our mindfulness, and of course get to eat them!  Sharon brought beautiful roses that we didn't try to eat, not even for the purposes of science.
I think Division One has learned a great deal about raising money for great causes and we thank Sharon and Luella for the great fundraising tips they gave us well.  We also really noticed that Robert used his passion for photography to raise money for a great project.  This week we have been working on habitudes-imagination, curiosity, self-awareness, passion, perseverance, and courage and here are three people who certain demonstrate these qualities.
Tuesday we had a visit from, Hector, a former student of Ms. Kezar.  Originally from Venezuela,
Hector moved to Vancouver and went to Moberly, Carleton, and Killarney Schools and now is studying urban design at Cornell University.  He was a techie in Ms. Kezar's class but he was impressed by your artistry and  technological savvy.

reading on the roof

Here is the view from up on the roof of Trudeau Elementary!  Once they found out about the teachers having a barbecue here, Division One wanted to enter the secret realm up on the roof.  Here's a famous song about being up on the roof!

Here are most of the girls, all engaged in reading...

Now who is that on top of the world?

Here are the rest of the boys...

These two can read anywhere anytime

Clouds anyone?

And looking down at trees is kind of nice and a bit of a change!

Four years at our school and this is the first class I know that has spent reading time on the roof.  There is a big desire to do it again as long as no one tries to kick a ball around on top of Division Two's classroom it should be fine...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Champion fundraisers

We have some good basketball players and good soccer players but I am most proud about how well this class has done raising money for worthy causes.  You have raised over 1800 dollars this year!  Three foundations that help internationally-Nepal Library Foundation, Compassionate Eye, Room to Read, and three organizations that feed the hungry in our own city-the Vancouver Food Bank, Downtown East Neighbourhood House, and the Union Gospel Mission, have benefitted from your hard work, initiative, and  creativity as well as some generosity from your parents re supplies for bake sales etc.  And many of you, as well, have been involved with Me to We Club that raises money and awareness through the Free the Children organization.  I hope that you will keep up your great work in high school and keep making the world a kinder, better place!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Guess who won the RBL Grade Seven Championship?

You guessed it!  Here they are in their undefeated glory! The Trudeau is in my kitchen awaiting it's trip to Trudeau Monday (we will let the players from Henderson and Sexsmith come to visit!)

Here they are at play!

I think they look rather happy that they are finally getting to take a basketball trophy back to Trudeau!  Well done! 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The fun never stops in Division One.  The minute the musical was over we had another project to continue to work on-flash mob number!  Bright and early Friday morning Natalie, our dance instructor, was there to help put everything together and Flick (who we all worked with at Reel to Real, teaching the class how to do film tricks with video cameras) came to film.  Here is Ms. Kezar's videoing of the final version in the choir room.  Today about half the class were able to come to Sunset Community Centre to do the flash mob and of course, to eat cake.  Sadly, Julia was delayed so she didn't get to dance or eat cake, only play basketball.  It was a fun afternoon!  If you missed it, here you go to see the final version at the centre!  Thanks to all of you who were able to attend!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rock and Roll-What a fun time!

We had a great time putting on our Rock and Roll Musical.

 The Intermediate students all did a great job and I think all our students will never forget today and tonight!

I hope that you all get a chance to see the video of the show but I am going to put a few clips up here.  It may take me awhile!

I had trouble getting some good pictures until I changed the setting on my camera so sorry, cavemen!!!

But I have you on video!  Who is going to forget Division Two's version of Tutti Frutti!

We loved our own version of the Supremes and of course singing Division One's very favorite song, "Stop in the Name of Love!"

Ah... what an afternoon, what an evening!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rock and Roll HIstory

I am going to put some clips here for you to watch.  We have talked about Ed Sullivan and here is a clip about him.  When I was your age everyone watched the Ed Sullivan show every Sunday evening.  Here is a clip of him introducing some of the rock and roll stars who are referred to in our musical.  And here is Paul McCartney of the Beatles watching himself in his first appearance on the show!  I remember that night so well.  My mom couldn't stop laughing!  And here is Elvis singing Blue Suede Shoes.  And especially for Balkaran here are The Supremes singing Stop in the Name of Love.  And maybe you feel like a little California Dreaming with The Beach Boys.  Here they are with comics Jack Benny and Bob Hope singing California Girls.  And here is a bit of Saturday Night Fever with John Travolta.  I am updating this post with a clip of Little Richard singing Tutti Frutti.  And here is a clip of Elvis doing Tutti Frutti!  Not sure how Ringo Starr, the Beetles drummer, got in the video clip!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Joan Bauer

Here is a picture of Joan Bauer at the conference that I attended in San Antonio.   I videoed an interview with her that somehow didn't work but she was really touched by how much you like her book, Almost Home, and was impressed that you raised $700 in our homeless project inspired partly by her book!  She says Shush is based on her own dog by the way and is looking forward to hearing from you and seeing your work!

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Friday, April 19, 2013

San Antonio

Just thought I would send a few pictures from San Antonio! I am very excited because I am going to,hear Rick Riordan speak tomorrow! maybe I will be able to get an autographed book!

This the River Walk that goes all around town!

- There are gorgeous flowers

A store I visited in a neat area

San Antonio was once part of Mexico and the Spanish were the early settlers and you can see this in the architectural style

it's fiesta time and this one of the many mariachi bands you may hear!

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