September Parents' letter

September 2012
Dear Division One Parents:
I wanted to bring a couple of items to your attention.

1.    Absences and lates-I am pleased to say that now all my students are generally here on time.  Thank you for your help with this.  If your child is ill, please phone the school to let us know.  If your child has a medical appointment please write a note in your child’s agenda. 
2.    Home reading-Your child should be reading about 25 minutes each day.  Good readers are successful in school.  Thank you for signing home reading logs but these should only be signed if your child is actually reading.  If you have time please listen to them read and discuss their books with them.  If you have younger children encourage your grade  seven child to read to them and with them as well.
3.    Computer use- In order to do better work on school assignments it is helpful for students to have computers to do word-processing and research.  Unfortunately many of our students seem to spend more time on Facebook and  U-tube, and/or playing computer games rather than using the computer as an educational tool.  We have a class moodle site (hopefully this will be up and running again soon as there have been technical problems) that is approved and monitored by the Vancouver School Board, information and assignments are posted on line and students should be allowed to access this.  This is a good way for students to learn how to use the internet responsibly.
4.    Put homework first at home-When I have asked students last year why they don’t read more at home they often tell me there are more interesting things to do (watching TV etc.)-please put finishing schoolwork first in your homes.  Please check your child's agenda and sign.
5.    Quiet place-Your child needs a quiet place to do homework and it’s a rare night when my students don’t have homework.  Please sign their agendas knowing them have completed their homework.
6.    Holidays-I have had many students go on extended holidays.  Some students can afford to miss so much school time and others cannot.  If possible, please plan your holidays for the summer.  If your student is not a strong student you need to plan on summer school or tutoring to make sure they are adequately prepared for school success. 
7.    Physical activity-it is important that your child is physically active-just walking to and from school if possible is good exercise.  In grade six and seven we have many teams and we encourage your child to get involved in the school or in the community.  Sunset Community Centre has many great programs, for instance.
8.  Breakfast-please make sure your child has enough time in the morning to have a nutritious breakfast.
8.    Lunch-we encourage students to go home for lunch if a parent is home.  It is good exercise.  Our lunchroom and the area outside my classroom are very crowded.  If possible have your child go home for lunch rather than bring lunch to him or her. 
9.    Nutritious snacks-please make sure your child isn’t bringing gum and junk food and soft drinks to school.  This is not helpful.  A balanced diet makes for an alert student. 
10.    Grade seven parents –please check for deadlines and parent information evenings for high school.  Unless your child is accepted into another school or program our assumption is they will be attending John Oliver High School.

If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.  You can write a note in your child's agenda or make an appointment to see me.  You may contact me as well by e-mail or call the school 604-713-4865.  You can also keep track of what goes on in our classroom on the class blog

 Thank you for lending me your great children, Meredyth Kezar