First of all when you are doing research a great place to go is the Trudeau Library webcat
When you are doing research using the data bases here are the passwords that you need
The login for the databases is: 39td
The password is: library
If you haven't checked out culturegrams you might find that site very useful about your country.
Now if you are doing research you need to give your sources. Here is a good guide to doing a bibliography.
Now how to you present what you have learned? Here is a guide to a multimedia project
Multimedia Presentation Ideas
- Written information
- Music
- Skits
- Collages
- Cartoons
- Models
- Overheads, slides
- Videos
- Poetry
- Art
- Short stories/Journals
- Computer graphics or web pages
(see Links page on library resources page for web links)
-web cartoons, web poster, blogs…
- Maps
- Graphs
- Tables of statistics
Multimedia means using more than one form of presentation. For example, in an oral report, you might also show pictures to help your audience understand your main points.
Think about the best way to present each type of information. For example, a picture would be the best way to show art, but a graph would be the best way to show climate. Make sure what you show is big enough for people to see! Here is one site Ms. Heinrich found to create graphs, here is another that may be even easier.
Write out all the steps in your presentation. For example, if you are going to show a picture, decide whether you will show the picture first and then talk about it or first talk about the picture and then show it.
Practice, practice, practice!
One of the most fun way to present your information is with a prezi . Here is the link to make a prezi! If you don't have an e-mail you may want to use power point, that is part of WORD on your computer instead. You can make an online poster with glogster. Another fun one is bitstrips. For some other great ideas go to Ms. Wong at Laurier School's website.
There are also ways to present using the ipad that we will look at as well.
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