Sunday, August 21, 2011

More travels in the East

I feel as if I have been away forever but it's only been two and a half weeks in reality.  Right now I am in Montreal after a trip to Cape Breton in Nova Scotia.  It was a great time.  And needless to say I collected a few rocks as well.
Our trip began with a little Vermont and then into New Hampshire where we stopped at a beautiful hotel called The Balsams.  That is the first place that voting results come in during American elections- Dixville Notch.   It's a very tiny population there in November.

From there we went to Gorham, New Hampshire.  When I was a child I went there lots because my aunt and uncle owned a tourist business there called Cabintown. They sold it long ago but where we stayed was just down the road and I think I saw where it used to be, but the house looks very different now so hard to know... The next photo is taken from where we stayed.  We were very close to Mount Washington, which is famous as being the windiest place on top of it in the continental United States. 

Our next stop was Bar Harbour.  Bar Harbour is on the Atlantic Coast of Maine.  It was once a place rich people spent their summers.  You used to also be able to take a ferry to Nova Scotia but not anymore.  We had a beautiful view of the ocean from our hotel room.  Here is a view from the village of Bar Harbour.  Bar Harbour is in Acadia National Park which is absolutely beautiful.

Here is a view of the swimming pool at our hotel and the beautiful scene we saw from our room. 
After a night in Bar Harbour we drove up to New Brunswick stopping in the town of Eastport, which is the farthest east town in Maine.  They once fished for sardines there.  I think I will break this off here.  Next blog will be about New Brunswick and the neat place we visited there.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Visiting the McMichael...

Well I think it's time to post again.  I am currently in Montreal, leaving tomorrow for the Maritime provinces.  I will try to post a few pictures along the way.  Last week I was in Ontario and yes, summer school students, I did go to the McMichael Gallery.  That was really enjoyable and I thought of you as I went through the collection.  One interesting thing is that all the Group of Seven artists are even buried there!  I thought I would put a picture here to prove I was there (hoho). 

This is the cabin that Tom Thompson used to work in in Toronto-imagine in the city but it looked like a cabin you would see in the country. 

They even let you see what Tom Thompson's studio would have looked like inside!