Friday, September 9, 2011

911 Anniversary

I am going to take a break from my trip description to take a moment to talk about the anniversary of 911.  This is a time when you were too young to know what was going on but this is a day that has affected all of us. 

I heard this program yesterday when I was driving to school.  It is the description of what it was like for a girl who was in Grade Seven at the time, living in New York City.  Please listen to her story

I will always remember that day.  My clock radio woke me up and I thought something strange was going on because it wasn't CBC but WNBC from New York City broadcasting.  Then I heard that a plane had hit the World Trade Centre.  I rushed to the TV set and watched the second plane hit the tower.  I couldn't believe it. 
I was teaching at Moberly at the time and our classroom was on the third floor and we could watch all the planes being diverted into the airport because no international flights were landing in the USA.

For a list of events that day just hit this link and watch this video.
An excellent novel about this day is We All Fall Down by Eric Walters.  Here is the book trailer.
The picture was taken at the site of the World Trade Tower.  I have visited the site twice-so hard to believe this happened.  We have been fortunate in North America as we have not been affected by war to the extent that so much of the world has been so this day was probably even more shocking to us.  The good part is ten years later the world is still here and many good things do happen but this was a day that definitely changed history...

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